The Bharatiya Janata Party has admitted that high-profile Vyapam scandal has tarnished the image of Madhya Pradesh. Patry's national spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi said on Friday that other states like U.P. have bigger sams but Congress deliberately targetted M.P. in Vyapam scam to safeguard its image as a secular party.
Trivedi was in Bhopal to target Congress on Parliament disruption. However, he had to face a volley of queries on his involvement in Vyapam scam and controversy related to his drawing salary from Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPVV) in Bhopal.
Trivedi first parried the queries, later clarified that he was on deputation to M.P. since 2011 from IES college in Uttar Pradesh, where he was assistant professor in mechanical engineering. He later, quit the post in 2013. Trivedi also denied having relations with Dr Pankaj Trivedi, former controller and kingpin in Vyapam scandal.
"I was in Lucknow and came to Bhopal on deputation but I never worked here or attended RGPVV office a single", admitted Trivedi who used to draw Rs 1.40 lakh per month salary from RGPVV. He also denied Congress allegations having recommended the appointment of Pankaj Trivedi as controller in Vyapam. "I don't even know Pankaj Trivedi, recommending his name is near impossible", claimed Sudhanshu Trivedi.
It is important to note that Congress state president Arun Yadav had alleged that Sudhanshu Trivedi pulled the strings to get his brother Pankaj Trivedi appointed as PEB examination controller. The government ignored all norms in taking Dr Trivedi on deputation and subsequently posting him as liaison officer in Delhi's MP Bhavan, Yadav had said.
Earlier addressing reporters, Trivedi leashed heavily on Congress for its alleged anti-development agenda. He said Congress disrupted Parliament proceedings only for its political vendatta. "Congress has failed to win and is now setting political goals by impeding development. BJP will reach every nook and corner to expose Congress' anti-development face", said Trivedi.
He said Goods and Services Tax (GST) was important issue to be discussed in both the houses but Congress was unwilling to take a note of it. Congress is not only responsible for virtually washing-out the monsoon session but also tryng to stop the growth of the country, he alleged, adding that Congress took alibi for discussing state issues but only M.P. and Rajasthan. When asked for Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, the party refused.
On a query regarding Prime Minister Narendra Modi's absence in the house, Trivedi said when leaders of both the houses were addressing, it was not important for PM to make statement. Trivedi clarified that it is up to the Parliament to decide whether to call a special session for moving GST ahead.
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